Sandra R. Santos | Psicologia Clínica
Information about the Sandra R. Santos | Psicologia Clínica instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.
Installed Applications
- Invoicing
- Invoices & Payments
- Website
- Enterprise website builder
- Email Marketing
- Design, send and track emails
- Expenses
- Submit, validate and reinvoice employee expenses
- Employees
- Centralize employee information
- Dynamic Doc and Pdf Reports
- Odoo app to design your own doc template and export the same to print the doc or pdf report.
- Invoicing - Portugal / Angola
- Module for common invoicing requirements between Portuguese and Angolan localizations
- euPago Payment Acquirer - Base
- Payment Acquirer: euPago Implementation
- Meeting Rooms
- Manage Meeting Rooms
- Popup Message
- Create Success, warnings, alert message box wizard,success popup message app, alert popup module, email popup module odoo
- Odoo WhatsApp Integration
- Integrates Odoo with WhatsApp to use WhatsApp messaging service
- Discuss
- Chat, mail gateway and private channels
- Contacts
- Centralize your address book
- Calendar
- Schedule employees' meetings
- Appointments
- Allow people to book meetings in your agenda
- Surveys
- Send your surveys or share them live.
- SMS Marketing
- Design, send and track SMS
- Skills Management
- Manage skills, knowledge and resume of your employees
Installed Localizations / Account Charts
- Invoicing - Portugal / Angola
- Module for common invoicing requirements between Portuguese and Angolan localizations
- Certification Accesses
- Limit access to Certification configurations
- Module for SAF-T
- l10n_pt Website Payment
- l10n_pt Website Payment.
- Portugal - Certified Invoicing
- Module for certified invoicing and exporting SAF-T